The Facts About Dental Crowns | Smile For Me

Two of my front teeth had developed deep cracks and were almost ready to fall off after a nasty road accident. My regular dentist at Smile For Me, Dr. Jaber immediately cleaned the area and advised me to go for dental crowns. She explained that veneers would not suffice as enough of the teeth were…

Share Your Smile with the World

Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart. Nothing you wear is more important than your smile. But your smile can suffer a setback when there is something wrong with your teeth. Dental problems are one of the common problems, every person face at some point in their life. Often these…

Dealing with a Broken Tooth

A chipped or broken tooth can create a lot of panic! However, in the right hands, the damaged tooth can still continue to last a lifetime. In fact, broken tooth repair is possible in many ways depending on the severity of the problem as well as the kind of results you want. Let’s take a look…

Why Smile For Me?

Smile For Me is serving Howell, New Jersey for all their dental needs. Dr. Jaber provides comprehensive dental care services – from assessing oral health to cleaning, restoration and prevention to dental cosmetics. The good dentist provides regular dental checkups that include oral examination, x-rays, and further screening/evaluation if needed. She makes it a point…

3 Vital Things to Consider While Choosing A Right Dental Cosmetic

Everyone is longing for an attractive smile, but not all have the perfect teeth. Now, with the help of medical advancement and technological perfection, you are the craftsman of your grin. However, you need to choose a right dentist to get a dramatic smile that will distinguish your identity in the crowd. When you are…